Sixers Suck All The Ass.

It’s not even the 4th quarter, and it doesn’t matter. This team just put in the worst basketball performance in years. Possibly centuries. And that – THAT is why you don’t dick away a winnable Game 4 to go up 3-1 in the series. Greg Monroe is airmailing three’s. Joel Embiid has (insert illness/injury here) and STINKS. Ben Simimons has (literally no excuse) and STINKS WORSE. Zero heart. Zero hustle. I mean, FUCK, the Sixers would shockingly make a shot and then Toronto would immediately score on a freaking fast break. Brett Brown comments how they’re lucky to be down by 1 after the first and what do the Sixers do? They get outscored 37-17 in the 2nd. Great work, Coach.

Whatever. Game 6, and the season, Thursday. Let’s see if this team has any guts and/or nuts to muster one out at home before returning North to lose Game 7.

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